Mind your own nature

with Atonka

May 24, 2024

7:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Mind Your Own Nature
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* No parking at Nama-Stay. Please park in town and walk to Nama-Stay Pavilion.


Our stomach always loves to be feed with good food. In the same way, a healthy brain loves to be feed with good information that are in alignment with your true nature.

We are excited to bring back this nourishing offering - In this class you will learn how to cleanse the brain with bright fresh chi, for self regulation clear navigation, detoxification, for helping bring entirely fresh persecutive, concentration and focus, into your everyday life view.

We are the user of our brain. Brain health is vital for a pure mind. Brain vitality is also vital to navigate well our thoughts. Brain health is also vital for healthy behaviors, discernment and navigation to what kind of information we are resonating and responding to. A healthy brain provides us with feeling safe and secure in the body. When we have a healthy brain function, we can breathe deeply, sleep well and feel confident, safe and secure on Earth. A vital brain has the capacity to purify itself. But we must look at both, stomach indigestion and brain indigestion.

A good brain, quiets and focuses our mind, it generates good information - that are in alignment with your True Nature and your vision of the future you are holding. You will feel deeply renewed, inspired and empowered through this practice.


plan to arrive 5-10 minutes before start time to set up your space

if desired, bring a yoga mat, blanket and a small pillow for comfort (you will be sitting on the floor, bring what makes you most comfortable)

dress in layers so you are able to adjust your body temperature as needed and wear fabrics that are natural fibers.

eat a full meal 2 hours before, or a light snack if closer to the ceremony start time

if you’d like, bring crystals and a bottle of drinking water to be energetically cleared and amplified by the journey