summer solstice tea ceremony

with Atonka

June 21, 2024

7:00PM - 8:30PM

* No parking at Nama-Stay. Please park in town and walk to Nama-Stay Pavilion.

birth, growth, vision, expand, direct

Join us for a Summer Solstice Tea Ceremony.
We  will explore the element of fire through our own landscapes.

In Traditional Chinese medicine and Tao Holistic Healing we believe to be deeply connected to nature and the planet. Part of that includes living harmonious with the seasonal changes and shifts as our bodies and organs are experience it.

As we enter Summer, the flowers are in bloom, the days are long and the summer temperatures rise. It is a time of movement, growth and expansion. Summer sun heat itself causes things to quicken and expand, it livens our internal and external worlds. In Nature, Summer is our most Yang expression, when healthy it quickens radiance and brightens our active nature. We feel joyful .

When the Fire element is balance the mind is calm and the spirit can rest peacefully. We have deep restorative sleep and the heart and pulse is healthy and vital. But when a person is going through a challenging time the heart prevents he soul from resting peacefully. Seen as separation between heart and spirit. Where the wandering of the soul lacks  deep rest and out of the unease, it creates duality, confusion, questioning and self doubt.

This Tea Ceremony will help you honor the season in helping bring calm, ease, deep knowing and bright spirit.


plan to arrive 5-10 minutes before start time to set up your space

if desired, bring your journal and pen

dress in layers that are natural fibers, so you are able to adjust your body temperature as needed

eat a full meal 2 hours before, or a light snack if closer to the ceremony start time

if you’d like, bring crystals and a bottle of drinking water to be energetically cleared and amplified by the journey